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About Us

Welcome and thanks for visiting us at E-Ride Shop. We are grateful to have the opportunity to serve you and help you with your e-riding needs.

E-Ride Shop was formed caring deeply for and sharing your passion for E-Rides. We are passionate about all of the products we sell, and we want the needs of our customers to be completely fulfilled through quality, high-end brands and the absolute highest level of service.

Our 3 Core Company Values


We do the right thing. Always. We do business with the highest standards of ethics and professional behaviour.


We believe that openness and honesty make for the best relationships in business and in life. Strong and positive relationships are a big part of what make E-Ride Shop different from other online stores.


Plain and simple, we are here for YOU, the customer. Our goal is to deliver the WOW factor in service. We strive for excellence in customer service and are driven to provide value at all times.

Meet the Founder

Hi! I'm Justin!

Welcome to our store! Here's a bit about how E-Ride Shop came into being.

I hail from the St George Area of Sydney, NSW, where I grew up with my sibling. My mother was an accountant, and my father a tool maker by trade. As a child, I was always riding bikes, primarily a BMX, and enjoyed exploring local trails with friends.

Upon graduating, I moved to the Eastern Suburbs and quickly realized it was the perfect place for me. My passion for riding continued into adulthood, and today, I proudly ride an E-Bike. Before starting E-Ride Shop, I commuted to the gym and my job in the CBD on my E-Bike. Even now, I enjoy riding around Bondi and occasionally through Centennial Park—a beautiful ride I highly recommend if you're in the area.

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Owning an E-Bike offers several benefits:

  • It allows for economical and environmentally friendly travel.
  • It provides an opportunity to enjoy nature, sunlight, and physical activity.
  • It's incredibly fun! Everyone I know enjoys riding something, whether it's a bike, scooter, or skateboard. Adding an electric element only enhances the convenience and excitement.

I have a background in the tech space with over 10 years in Business Development. This passion for business, combined with my love for riding, inspired the creation of E-Ride Shop. We are an online retail business specializing in quality E-Ride products, boasting one of the largest E-Ride catalogs in the Australian market. We are committed to integrity and exceptional customer service.

From the bottom of my heart, I genuinely care about ensuring you get exactly what you want at the right price, with excellent service from start to finish and beyond. This ethos is embedded in our business and shared with all team members, ensuring you always receive top-notch service at E-Ride Shop.

Thank you for visiting our site and taking the time to read our story. I look forward to connecting with you and providing the products and service you deserve.